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Easy Diet Diary

A quick guide to Easy Diet Diary

21 January 2020

Give this Quick Guide to your clients to help them get started with our free mobile app, Easy DIet DIary.

Are you a dietitian (or other nutrition professional) using Easy Diet Diary with your clients? 

We know that your time is precious and that you want to deliver the best possible service to your clients. That’s why we created Easy Diet Diary, our free mobile app, so your clients can log their own intake. And because Easy Diet Diary integrates with FoodWorks 10 Professional, you save time on data entry while providing detailed nutritional analyses on which to base your recommendations. 

Easy Diet Diary gives your clients an easy way to measure – and be encouraged by – their own progress. Just last year, we made Easy Diet Diary available on Android as well as iOS, and it’s been a smash hit on the Google Play Store, quickly climbing the ladder to the top 5 diet tracking apps in Australia.

However, introducing a powerful new tool to your clients like Easy Diet Diary can itself take valuable time out of your day. So – here is a Quick Guide to Easy Diet Diary. It’s a downloadable 2-page PDF. You can print it for your clients or email it to them.

We hope this downloadable brochure helps you give your clients a smooth, quick and hassle-free introduction to Easy Diet Diary.  

We are always looking to provide products and services that streamline your job. If this brochure helps you, and you know other nutrition professionals who could benefit, don’t hold back – share it around!

Get the Quick Guide to Easy Diet Diary

Give it to your clients. Or use it yourself.

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