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FoodWorks 10

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FoodWorks 10 Nutrition Labelling is no longer for sale Nutrition Labelling for the cloud is now available, replacing FoodWorks 10 Nutrition Labelling for the desktop. Find out more about


Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when my annual subscription falls due?

Our pricing reflects an annual commitment paid in advance. At the end of the 12-month period we will send you a renewal invoice.

If you choose not to re-subscribe, you will not be able to continue to use FoodWorks.

How do I buy for more than 2 users?

We offer attractive discounted pricing for multiple users. Please get in touch for more information.

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Is FoodWorks for Apple Mac?

FoodWorks 10 is built for the Windows environment. To enable FoodWorks to run on an Apple Mac you will need additional software, including Windows itself. For how to install and run FoodWorks on a Mac, see our support article.

What happens after I buy?

Once your purchase is complete you will receive a Product Key by email. Download FoodWorks if you haven’t done so already. Enter this Product Key when you next start FoodWorks and you are done.

How do I add additional users to my subscription?

If you have a FoodWorks subscription and would like to add more users, please get in touch.

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