Foodworks Online
At Xyris, we are busy re-imagining the FoodWorks you know and love for the cloud.
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Our mission is to continue to deliver the gold standard in nutrition software.
Come with us into a bright future.
Modern, intuitive, accessible
Made for nutrition professionals, FoodWorks 10 is an established software staple for healthcare, education and the food industry in Australia and New Zealand.
We value you, our users, and we respect the importance of your work. We understand your need for reliable, evidence-based nutrition analysis software. That’s why we have made it our mission to deliver the gold standard in nutrition software.
We’re evolving FoodWorks from desktop software for Windows to cloud-based software that runs in your browser. We’re keeping the features you rely on and adding fresh new features to help simplify your work online.
The new Foodworks Online is modern, intuitive, and accessible from anywhere.
For over two years now we’ve been deep in development and we are so excited to bring this software to you.
With a focus on intuitive and joyful design, and with tools you will want to use, we know you’ll love Foodworks Online.